The Power of Creativity

The Power of Creativity

Creativity, defined by the dictionary as “the use of imagination or original ideas to create something” is a trait unseeable, unsmellable, unhearable, untouchable. It’s like asking, how would you measure the creativity of a work? Creativity isn’t a school subject and often tends to be overlooked from a small age. But it also happens to be the root of success in the future. 


Many of the most successful businessmen such as Jack Ma have said, “in the future, we won’t be competing for information. By then, it’ll be the competition for innovation.”


Creativity is the skill of the future.

With essentially all the information at the tips of our fingertips, creativity is more difficult to gain and takes more than clicking a few buttons on a laptop. However, this delicate, interesting, mysterious but teachable quality, is known to be the easiest to nurture at a young age, yet creativity only inhabits parts of minimal subjects in the school curriculum such as drama, music, art.  It is believed that creative thinking ought to run through much more of school life, infusing into the way human and natural sciences are learnt.


Although creativity can be fostered through these limited school subjects, the value placed on these subjects has always been noticeably lower than “core subjects”. A study has shown that the uptake of creative subjects at GCSE in Britain’s top public schools has had a 28.1% decline since 2014. A major flaw with the society’s beliefs is the notion that creativity subjects are only helpful within a niche market e.g. artists take art courses, musicians take music courses. However, multiple successful businessmen have come out to claim that with the current progression and increase in technology skills, the jobs that are currently being taught, can be done with a tap of the finger. What the laptop can’t do is be creative and use originality to lock in sales and profits.


Creativity will challenge the human mind, enhance the brain and give you the ability to think within and outside the box. Without creativity, all humans as a race would not be where we are today. 


When children are regarded as jars to be filled with facts, creativity does not prosper. Creativity offers so much more benefits than what’s usually laid on the table. Not only does it help with problem solving, but is also shown to help motivate people.