A Conversation with the Head of Stanford Online High School: Dr. Hoshi’s Insights and Advice for Online School Students

“Is it possible to maintain a social life as an online school student?” 


“What classes should we take during high school?”


“What are the benefits of online education in the long term?” 


There is no one better to ask questions regarding online education, than to Dr. Tomohiro Hoshi, the Head of Stanford Online High School. Stanford Online High School is a highly selective online school with 880 students enrolled in more than 31 different countries. Dr. Hoshi’s answers are backed with almost fourteen years of experience at the school and in the field of online education. He also serves as a Senior Advisor to Crimson Global Academy. His advice has been crucial to CGA’s success. 


Thus, it was a huge honor to be able to interview him during his visit to Tokyo this summer,  to ask ten burning questions that have likely crossed the minds of all online school students at some point. Whether you want to hear Dr. Hoshi’s advice on schools, learn about how he stays motivated, or know more about the structure of clubs and the student council at Stanford Online High School, please watch the interview!


A huge thank you to Dr. Tomohiro Hoshi for taking his time to share his insights to CGA Press readers and to Rhea, Taro, and Karin for contributing questions!